Legal Practice Council Membership No. 95124

Xenophon Jegels
Mr Jegels is a duly admitted attorney and director of JKS Attorneys Inc, holding both a Bachelor of Arts degree as well as a Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB). Mr Jegels’ areas of practice include civil litigation as well as corporate recovery, with a particular focus on contractual and property related disputes. He is well versed in trial and motion court proceedings and works well with counsel. Moreover, he is an effective and diligent negotiator.

Sidney Kimar
B Com (Law) LLB (UWC)
Legal Practice Council Membership No. 95125
Mr Kimar is a duly admitted attorney and director of JKS Attorneys Inc, holding both a Bachelor of Commerce (Law) degree as well as a Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB). Mr Kimar’s areas of practice include civil litigation in the Magistrates’ Courts and High Courts, attending to applications for urgent relief, drafting and vetting of contracts, and the drafting of legal opinions. Mr Kimar has an adept knowledge of contractual principles, enabling him to advise clients on all aspects of contractual drafting as well as contractual disputes.

Marlon Shevelew
Legal Practice Council Membership No. 85159
Mr Shevelew is a duly admitted attorney and director of JKS Attorneys Inc, holding both a Bachelor of Arts degree as well as a Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB). Mr Shevelew’s areas of practice include commercial litigation, compliance and general business law which allows him to serve as advisory counsel to a number of companies and listed entities.